For your convenience, here is the Billing/Payment schedule for your Sanitary Sewer account.
Aqua America customers & Flat Rate customers (no water provider)
Quarter ends: |
Billing Date: |
Payment due by: |
11/30 |
12/31 |
1/20 |
2/28 |
3/31 |
4/20 |
5/31 |
6/30 |
7/20 |
8/31 |
9/30 |
10/20 |
North Wales Water Authority customers
Quarter ends: |
Billing Date: |
Payment due by: |
12/31 |
1/31 |
2/20 |
3/31 |
4/30 |
5/20 |
6/30 |
7/31 |
8/20 |
9/30 |
10/31 |
11/20 |
North Penn Water Authority customers
Quarter ends: |
Billing Date: |
Payment due by: |
1/31 |
2/28 |
3/20 |
4/30 |
5/31 |
6/20 |
7/31 |
8/31 |
9/20 |
10/31 |
11/30 |
12/20 |
Please feel free to contact the Sewer Authority at any time should you have questions.