FAQ: What if I have a well?

What if I have a well?

Non-metered customers are billed according to the Flat Rate. Non-metered customers have the option of purchasing and installing a water meter so they can be billed on a metered basis. Please call the Authority to inquire about water meters.




  1. In order to simplify Authority administration and also provide customers with instant data access, all current/existing meters in use will have the register heads replaced with an updated digital remote-read system. In some circumstances the Authority may also replace the meter base. Authority personnel will conduct this changeout. There will be no cost to the customer for this procedure.
  2. Following this installation and completion of a signed agreement, the Authority will assume all responsibility for maintenance of the meter, including its future replacement when necessary.
  3. Beginning with the first quarterly billing after this installation, each customer with a meter will be charged a quarterly service fee of $15.00 to cover meter service and meter program administration. Any customer with both a Consumption Meter and a Deduct Meter will be offered a reduced quarterly service fee of $25.00. The service fee may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the Authority.
  4. Flat Rate customers desiring to obtain a new Consumption Meter must purchase a meter set from the Authority. The purchase price will be based on the Authority’s cost plus a reasonable administrative charge, as determined by the Authority. The current 2024 purchase price will be $450.00. The meter must be installed by a plumber of the owner’s choosing, and then inspected by the Authority. Once a meter is purchased and installed, it may not be returned to the Authority for credit. (Uninstalled meters may be returned for credit within 30 days.)
  5. Customers with Consumption Meters may opt out of the program. A written request must be provided to the Authority. The property will then be billed according to the Authority’s current Flat Rate, and quarterly meter service fees will cease. Customers may only change their billing type (meter vs flat rate) no more than once per year. A $150.00 service charge will be assessed for each re-initiation of meter usage.
  6. This Consumption Meter policy applies only to properties without public water service and utilizing a private on-site well water supply. Any customer connected to a public water supply will be billed according to consumption readings supplied to the Authority by that water utility.





  1. In order to simplify Authority administration and also provide customers with instant data access, all current/existing meters in use will have the register heads replaced with an updated digital remote-read system. In some circumstances the Authority may also replace the meter base. Authority personnel will conduct this changeout. There will be no cost to the customer for this procedure.
  2. Following installation and completion of a signed agreement, the Authority will assume all responsibility for maintenance of the meter, including its future replacement when necessary.
  3. Beginning with the first quarterly billing after this installation, each customer with a meter will be charged a quarterly service fee of $15.00 to cover meter service and meter program administration. Any customer with both a Consumption Meter and a Deduct Meter will be offered a reduced quarterly service fee of $25.00. This charge may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the Authority.
  4. Customers desiring to obtain a new Deduct Meter must purchase a meter set from the Authority. The purchase price will be based on the Authority’s cost plus a reasonable administrative charge, as determined by the Authority. The current 2024 purchase price will be $450.00. The meter must be installed by a plumber of the customer’s choosing, and then inspected by the Authority. Once a meter is purchased and installed, it may not be returned to the Authority for credit. (Uninstalled meters may be returned for credit within 30 days.)
  5. Customers with Deduct Meters may opt out of the program. A written request must be provided to the Authority. The property will then be billed based on consumption only, according to the Authority’s rate structure, and quarterly meter service fees will cease. Customers may opt-in or out of the deduct meter program no more than once per year. A $150.00 service charge will be assessed for each re-initiation of meter usage.
  6. Use of a Deduct Meter applies only to customers using a Consumption Meter, as provided by a public water service, or as purchased from the Authority.
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